After walking, a place to rest

No, Mr. Pax, the question was:

Why didn’t the town board vote on the new Town Center Park?

At the last town board meeting Mr. Pax was asked that question at least half a dozen times. He could only respond with another question:

“What’s the matter, don’t you like the new park?”

Yes, Mr. Pax, we do like the park. It’s a good idea, but we all need a spot to rest our weary bones after walking around our town center. Could we get the answer to the question? What is proper procedure at town hail? Don’t we as taxpayers have any say in what goes on with land bought by taxpayers money? What happened to public hearings on issues like this? Are we catering to any special interest group?

I sure hope Tom Nowak and the planning board don’t fire up that bulldozer and level it like he said they could -- after all, it’s just temporary, or is it? No, they’ll wait Liii it’s done first after all our crews and equipment must need something to do. Also, I wonder: Is it legal for our nature lovers to transplant endangered plants from Buckhorn State Park, a nature preserve, to the new parks? Plants like wild ferns, blue stripes, Johnny jumpups -- isn’t a permit needed for this?

So many questions come out of one unanswered question. I’ll tell you folks, sometimes I really wonder what’s going on at Town Hall.

Why didn’t the Town Board vote on the new town park? hmmmm...

Rus Thompson